Getting started

This document walks you through from start to finish the process of using cpmake to build your project.

Setting up Java and your classpath

CPMake requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4 or higher.  You can confirm your java version by typing
>java -version
on the command line.  If you need to install a new one you can download it from Sun's web page.
Once installed you should be able to type above from the command line and get the version.

Now to set up the classpath.  Java uses the CLASSPATH environment variable to find jar file libraries.  You need to have the cpmake.jar file and the interpreter you want to use in the classpath.  Alternatively if you have downloaded the cpmake jar file that has the interpreter as part of the jar you only have to put the one jar in the classpath.  If you have not already done so download the cpmake jar file

There are three ways of getting the cpmake jar file in the classpath.
  1. Manually add cpmake.jar to the CLASSPATH environment variable.
  2. Place the cpmake.jar file in the jre/lib/ext directory.  This will be located wherever you installed java to.  The jar files that are in the ext directory are automatically included in the classpath.
  3. Use the -cp option when calling java.  This switch allows you to add jar files to the classpath on the command line.
Witting your first build file

For this I will refer you to one of the tutorials accessible from the menu.  Also make note that there are several build files in the samples area for your viewing pleasure.

Running  CPMake

If the cpmake jar file is in your classpath you can run your build file by doing the following
Change to the directory that has your build file in it.
Type "java make"

To get help on the cpmake command line switches available type
>java make -?